Who Donates to BEFA?
Farmers Donate High Quality Fresh Produce: BEFA began in rural Norfolk among the farming community. Many of the farmers who donate produce from their farms have been doing so for years. Several farmers donate tonnes of potatoes,carrots and onions every autumn.
Over the years we have come to rely on their donations, and are deeply appreciative of their generosity. Another has given us pallets of mushrooms. These donations are vital to the work of BEFA and we are deeply appreciative of our donors generosity.
Other Donations: Donations to BEFA also come in the form of personal time and energy. The lorries, complete with drivers, needed to collect and deliver the 40 foot trailers of food, are donated by local businessmen.The use of a warehouse where food is assembled for distribution is donated. Other locations, where sorting and distribution of the food for the 220 projects BEFA supplies is done, are donated. This means overheads are kept to a minimum.